Ragging is a Crime,
Condemned by the Nation.



1. At least three years of six semesters in to. In case of professional courses the duration may be more as per the direction of regulatory bodies established under Law.

2. Odd semester is from June to December (i.e., Sem.-I, Sem.-III & Sem.-V semester). The examination shall be held normally in the month of November - December.

3. Even semester is from January to June (i.e., Sem.-II, Sem.-IV & Sem.-VI semester).The examination shall be held normally in the month of May - June. However the Final Semester shall be conducted in April and result shall be published by end of May.

4. A student would be required to complete the course within six academic years from the date of admission.

Compulsory Registration in Semester-I

1. Registration for Semester-I is compulsory. A candidate admitted to +3 Courses but not registered for 1st semester examination, his/her admission will be automatically cancelled.

2. A candidate may take a blank Semester: A blank Semester has to be clubbed with next Odd or Even Semester as the case may be i.e. Sem.-II, Sem.-IV and Sem.-VI/Sem.-I,Sem.-III and Sem.-V. The Hostel policy for blank semester is to be decided by colleges as per their suitability. Hostel accommodation cannot be claimed as a right for a blank semester. (Blank semester is not to be confused as repetition due to failure).

3. 75% attendance for non DDCE students is a requirement for being eligible to appear at Examination Up to 15% waiver may be granted by the College Principal at discretion on Health Ground or participation in sports , cultural activities, NCC and NSS activities etc.

4. A student may clear backlog papers within 6 years. Improvement if any has to be completed within 4 years.

Repeat Examination

1. A student has to clear back papers (i.e., in the paper/papers one has failed) by appearing at subsequent semester examinations within six years from the date of admission.

2. A student may appear improvement (repeat) in any number of papers in the immediate subse-quent examination. The higher marks shall be retained.

3. Improvement has to be completed with 4-yrs. from the date of admission.

Examination Question Pattern(Suggestive)

1. The end semester examination will be of three hours irrespective of marks.

2. For subject without having practical full marks are 100 per paper out of which 20 marks is allotted for Mid-Semester Examination (Internal) and 80 marks for end semester examination. The question papers shall be divided into two parts such as Group-A & Group-B: Group-A will carry 10 short questions of two marks each .The answer should be within two sentences. There shall be 5 long type questions in GroupB with one alternative each have to be attempted and all questions shall be of equal value (12 marks _5). For subject with practical full marks are 100 per paper out of which 20 marks is al-lotted for Mid- Semester Examination, 50 is for End Semester Examination and 30 is for practical.The question papers shall be divided into two parts such as Group-A & Group-B: Group-A will carry 10 short questions of one mark each. The answer should be within two sentences. There shall be 5 long-type questions with one alternative each have to be attempted for subjects having practical. The questions shall be of equal value (8 Marks X 5). Practical will carry 30 marks out of which 10 will be for records.

3. Model answers for long questions should be between 700 to 1000 words.

4. The Internal Evaluation would be the sole responsibility of Teacher offering the course.